latest 16 messages by PurpleDog

+ [2014-09-06T00:48:25Z] PurpleDog yes I contacted support VxJasonxV
+ [2014-09-05T23:41:52Z] PurpleDog thanks for trying to help me regardless VxJasonxV
+ [2014-09-05T23:22:54Z] PurpleDog I also tried
+ [2014-09-05T23:20:23Z] PurpleDog am I able to see the logs?
+ [2014-09-05T23:09:04Z] PurpleDog what difference does the repo make? it's this one:
+ [2014-09-05T22:13:35Z] PurpleDog I actually tested with two of my repos and I keep getting the service timeout for both
+ [2014-09-05T22:12:45Z] PurpleDog I added a webhook for one of my personal repos
+ [2014-09-05T21:58:19Z] PurpleDog I got a friend to test from another network and he can access the address as well VxJasonxV
+ [2014-09-05T21:55:29Z] PurpleDog I tested from tor and the port is open and I can access the address/port that the bot listens on
+ [2014-09-05T20:17:40Z] PurpleDog I'm trying to add a webhook for my bot - my bot's listen port is set up correctly and it is accessible, but I keep getting a service timeout when trying to send the test payload
+ [2014-07-10T05:59:16Z] PurpleDog sorry about that
+ [2014-07-10T05:58:46Z] PurpleDog oh wait it did work VxJasonxV, I made a typo, thanks!
+ [2014-07-10T05:56:00Z] PurpleDog that didn't work VxJasonxV
+ [2014-07-10T02:17:59Z] PurpleDog but I find that I still have to add my rules to every single repo's excludesfile
+ [2014-07-10T02:17:36Z] PurpleDog my global gitignore isn't working on Windows, I ran `git config --global core.excludesfile "%USERPROFILE%\.gitignore_global"` and added my rules to .gitignore_global
+ [2014-07-03T08:35:51Z] PurpleDog is .git/info/exclude the NAME of the file I put in my repo or is a a folder named ".git" containing a folder names "info" that contains a file named "exclude"?