latest 20 messages by Renegade334

+ [2015-03-29T20:18:47Z] Renegade334 Working fantastically smoothly for me currently. Thanks so much to everyone on the mitigation team!
+ [2015-03-29T19:19:11Z] Renegade334 huh: This is just another international-level cyberattack in an era where these sorts of things are commonplace.
+ [2015-03-29T19:15:45Z] Renegade334 I'm sure there are a large number in the netsec field who'd be interested.
+ [2015-03-29T19:15:20Z] Renegade334 Hopefully they'll consider releasing a paper on it.
+ [2015-03-29T19:14:20Z] Renegade334 and that specific vector has been neutralised
+ [2015-03-29T19:13:21Z] Renegade334
+ [2015-03-29T19:13:21Z] Renegade334 <huh> The Chinese government apparently injected <script src=""> into every baidu page, DDoSing github
+ [2015-03-29T18:55:32Z] Renegade334 Well, that's one of the attack vectors at least. GitHub's statements suggest that it's just one of an awful lot.
+ [2015-03-29T18:54:54Z] Renegade334 dodobrain: The attack vector is a man-in-the-middle attack at the international routing level. Not a lot that Baidu can do about it.
+ [2015-03-29T18:53:48Z] Renegade334 Are you suggesting that the router(s) were compromised by a malicious third-party somehow, one week after a similar DDoS of Chinese origin towards the GreatFire mirrors themselves?
+ [2015-03-29T18:52:59Z] Renegade334 <dodobrain> are they waiting for the people-in-the-know to wake up in china?
+ [2015-03-29T18:47:10Z] Renegade334 tell him to blame the Party...
+ [2015-03-29T16:19:43Z] Renegade334 fahadash: Yes, but you might get intermittent errors currently.
+ [2015-03-28T23:44:17Z] Renegade334 useful for bots to avoid pissing people off...
+ [2015-03-28T23:43:54Z] Renegade334 I use zero-width join characters to break client nick highlighting in IRC sometimes
+ [2015-03-28T23:43:08Z] Renegade334 int-e: You could try being really hackish and insert a zero-width Unicode character in there...