latest 9 messages by Richlv

+ [2016-02-24T12:37:12Z] Richlv VxJasonxV, thank you a lot, will try the remote branch setting. sorry about the slash as a delimiter :)
+ [2016-02-24T01:37:03Z] Richlv that works nicely. now i try to sync to the upstream : git fetch/git merge - that fails with : "fatal: No remote for the current branch." - why so ?
+ [2016-02-24T01:37:00Z] Richlv my steps were : git clone/git checkout -b/git add/git commit/hub fork/git push/hub pull-request
+ [2016-02-24T01:36:58Z] Richlv trying to use the 'hub' tool as per the instructions, starting at "# Example workflow for contributing to a project:" in . using 'hub' only when necessary.
+ [2015-02-09T11:19:35Z] Richlv not urgent, i'll just check it in a couple of days
+ [2015-02-09T11:18:16Z] Richlv tobiasvl, for the record, the script to change things seems to have mostly worked - 'pulse' is quite weird still, but maybe that's cached somewhere
+ [2015-02-09T11:01:58Z] Richlv ah, looks like that's painful -
+ [2015-02-09T11:01:19Z] Richlv tobiasvl, thanks, i was kinda koping it would use the account i used to authenticate, and i have only used one email for that. can i change 'author' of existing commits ?
+ [2015-02-09T10:53:46Z] Richlv shows commit sbeing made by users 'Richlv', 'richlv' and 'richlv'. why doesn't it consider it all to be the same user and how could i merge it all ?