latest 20 messages by RobW_

+ [2013-10-20T21:39:45Z] RobW_ Maybe only available on build?
+ [2013-10-20T21:39:18Z] RobW_ remind me?
+ [2013-10-20T21:39:11Z] RobW_ I've forgotten how to debug liquid / runy output to the consol when running jekyll server -w
+ [2013-09-17T20:45:16Z] RobW_ jaybe: Thanks for the technical explanation, re: else if/elsif
+ [2013-09-17T20:14:41Z] RobW_ @jaybe Totally bizarre, 'else if' has a partial, buggy implementation. But elsif seems to work fine.
+ [2013-09-17T20:12:11Z] RobW_ Yeah, I think I remember something like that, but I can't think of how it would work.
+ [2013-09-17T20:11:34Z] RobW_ ooh, do tell
+ [2013-09-17T20:10:56Z] RobW_ I'm getting weird errors… ok, thanks jaybe
+ [2013-09-17T20:10:36Z] RobW_ Is 'else if' supported in liquid?
+ [2013-09-17T17:05:09Z] RobW_ SO CLOSE
+ [2013-09-17T17:05:00Z] RobW_ jaybe: But that's not in release yet, I think.
+ [2013-09-17T17:02:05Z] RobW_ jaybe: Really? Great, let me give it a shot.
+ [2013-09-17T17:01:05Z] RobW_ template: foo.html, {% include {{ template }} %}
+ [2013-09-17T17:00:31Z] RobW_ Is there a way to use a template variable as the name of an include?
+ [2013-09-02T04:10:13Z] RobW_ Answer:
+ [2013-09-02T04:02:23Z] RobW_ I think I've asked this before, but could use clarification on what exactly is happening in there. Wildcards work well.
+ [2013-09-02T04:01:53Z] RobW_ Does exclude, etc. in the config.yml support bracket expansion?
+ [2013-08-19T17:50:43Z] RobW_ Obvs if there was no limit this would be a problem.
+ [2013-08-19T17:50:28Z] RobW_ Is there a way to loop a for loop? i.e., tell the liquid for tag "limit to 5, offset to 10, and if you get to the end of site.categories, start back at the beginning"?
+ [2013-08-14T01:13:48Z] RobW_ pureluck: Yep, check permalink under config options on the site