latest 9 messages by Sawbones

+ [2014-12-09T01:59:04Z] Sawbones it's a static file server
+ [2014-12-09T01:58:56Z] Sawbones I'm surprised that it's not ok for production
+ [2014-12-09T01:56:36Z] Sawbones jaybe: How so?
+ [2014-12-09T01:27:57Z] Sawbones Hey guys, how do I serve my jekyll app to everyone else, I ssh into my server and do `jekyll server` but when I visit my host at :4000 I can't access it
+ [2014-12-08T20:10:23Z] Sawbones bret: It just seems very maleable so I could imagine a company doing stuff with it
+ [2014-12-08T20:08:29Z] Sawbones bret: You said it in past tense, did they remove it?
+ [2014-12-08T20:08:01Z] Sawbones bret: HAHA WAT.
+ [2014-12-08T19:54:48Z] Sawbones Has anyone used jekyll for something cool?