latest 5 messages by Scoop7

+ [2017-04-01T23:12:32Z] Scoop7 This is the original liquid code that in php files for some reason returns an error and in html everything is ok, which puzzles me because it's only jekyll processed files with no php parsing by this end... ?
+ [2017-04-01T23:10:52Z] Scoop7 <meta name="description" content="{% if page.meta %}{{page.meta}}{% elsif page.content %}{{ page.content | strip_html | strip_newlines | truncate: 160 }}{% else %}{{ site.description }}{% endif %}">
+ [2017-04-01T23:09:54Z] Scoop7 Where in html files my liquid tags resolve to desired content
+ [2017-04-01T23:09:13Z] Scoop7 <meta property="og:description" content=" Sorry, there where problems with your form: $error Please go back and fix the problems. "; } ..." />
+ [2017-04-01T23:07:47Z] Scoop7 Hey my liquid tags are being processed differently in php files, is there any solutions to avoid this?