latest 20 messages by Shadeness

+ [2014-12-06T21:32:31Z] Shadeness
+ [2014-12-06T21:32:26Z] Shadeness spectromas: git add -A
+ [2014-11-23T02:03:05Z] Shadeness Don't really need it, just curious if it's supoorted.
+ [2014-11-23T02:02:09Z] Shadeness Found `git diff sha1 sha2 path/to/file`
+ [2014-11-23T01:53:24Z] Shadeness Is it possible to compare a single file between two commit sha's? Or do you have to diff the entire repo?
+ [2014-10-31T18:48:01Z] Shadeness heh, "spooky" summary.
+ [2014-10-02T18:24:37Z] Shadeness Is this turning up as "Connection not private" on chrome for anyone else?
+ [2014-09-07T02:18:52Z] Shadeness that should make navigating java projects faster. :]
+ [2014-09-06T23:55:41Z] Shadeness Since when has github merged the links of folders with just a single folder in code view?
+ [2014-09-05T05:28:46Z] Shadeness Also, if gh-pages is your "master" branch, then be sure to set it in the settings.
+ [2014-09-05T05:27:53Z] Shadeness Eg:
+ [2014-09-05T05:26:39Z] Shadeness artivilla99: Like so:
+ [2014-08-19T00:28:52Z] Shadeness = Internal Server Error
+ [2014-07-13T00:29:16Z] Shadeness don't thonl so
+ [2014-07-13T00:25:55Z] Shadeness Url hashtag will be #L3-10