latest 11 messages by ShogunPanda

+ [2014-01-28T17:52:33Z] ShogunPanda Yes, that thing is fine...
+ [2014-01-28T17:42:42Z] ShogunPanda The thing is that with jekyll build seems to work.
+ [2014-01-28T17:09:31Z] ShogunPanda I'm sorry but I can't. It's a private doc site.
+ [2014-01-28T16:44:46Z] ShogunPanda Is this a common problem?
+ [2014-01-28T16:44:40Z] ShogunPanda The problem is that on GH all pages but index are served with MIME application/octet-stream, so the browser is trying to download them.
+ [2014-01-28T16:44:00Z] ShogunPanda And all the URLs are working.
+ [2014-01-28T16:43:40Z] ShogunPanda All of these are permalinked to api/, api/read, api/create via permalink in the front matter.
+ [2014-01-28T16:43:07Z] ShogunPanda So, I have a blog published on GH Pages. And I have this pages structures: api/ api/ api/ etc...
+ [2014-01-28T16:42:22Z] ShogunPanda Lol, I was waiting for a reply.
+ [2014-01-28T16:37:51Z] ShogunPanda Can anyone help me on a "little" problem with GH Pages and MIME types?