latest 17 messages by SirFunk

+ [2013-12-09T04:49:01Z] SirFunk just seems messy
+ [2013-12-09T04:48:32Z] SirFunk oh well. I can throw variables around
+ [2013-12-09T04:45:43Z] SirFunk bummer
+ [2013-12-09T04:36:54Z] SirFunk Is there some way i can make a generic object in a plugin that can access site. variables without havin git passed in as an argument?
+ [2013-12-04T07:00:18Z] SirFunk it does some funny stuff with the arguments
+ [2013-12-04T07:00:13Z] SirFunk it didn't in this case. It might be fault of the tag though
+ [2013-12-04T06:54:18Z] SirFunk is that different than {% assign myvar = sometihng | filter%} ?
+ [2013-12-04T06:25:58Z] SirFunk with liquid templates is it possible to use the output of a filter as an argument for a tag?
+ [2013-12-03T15:47:26Z] SirFunk I'm writing a plugin that provides a liquid tag. I need to load some data from a YAML file. In my PageGenerator plugins it gets sent a site variable that you can get the path from.. how do you get the path in a LiquidTag?
+ [2013-12-02T15:05:30Z] SirFunk In a generator plugin anything set to['foo'] should be accessible by the view, no?
+ [2013-12-02T14:32:09Z] SirFunk Can plugins not access vars?
+ [2013-12-02T13:47:41Z] SirFunk I'm trying to figure out how to do a page per object
+ [2013-12-02T13:47:33Z] SirFunk that will list all of the objects on a single page
+ [2013-12-02T13:47:26Z] SirFunk no, that's not really what i am looking for
+ [2013-12-02T13:44:54Z] SirFunk Hi, I am new to jekyll. If i have a data file that has a bunch of objects listed in it, can i generate pages from those objects? like a page per object?