latest 20 messages by SoItBegins

+ [2019-10-15T22:19:48Z] SoItBegins To get the exact state of the repositories as they were last year.
+ [2019-10-15T22:19:34Z] SoItBegins jhass: Hey, uh, one more question. Turns out I need to reference a bunch of external repositories. So how do I clone —recursive a repository _at a specific tree position_?
+ [2019-10-15T22:01:31Z] SoItBegins I have the original archive of the source I downloaded, so if something goes wrong I’ll just recover from that
+ [2019-10-15T22:00:01Z] SoItBegins …there is also the issue that I downloaded the source from the ‘releases’ page and it’s not counted as an actual repository? But now that I have the diff, I can just apply it.
+ [2019-10-15T21:59:19Z] SoItBegins I downloaded it from my web browser.
+ [2019-10-15T21:58:11Z] SoItBegins I don’t actually need the network functionality, but it needs to be emulated or the game I’m trying to play hangs in a dramatic fashion
+ [2019-10-15T21:57:55Z] SoItBegins The repository I’m messing about with is an emulator, and the PR adds a certain network functionality.
+ [2019-10-15T21:57:39Z] SoItBegins I think it’s likely in this case.
+ [2019-10-15T21:56:56Z] SoItBegins That sounds like a plan.
+ [2019-10-15T21:54:46Z] SoItBegins Yeah. I _just_ want the files referenced in the pull request as different from the master at the time.
+ [2019-10-15T21:52:07Z] SoItBegins So, I’d want to do, “git remote add author ; git fetch author ; git merge NarcolepticK/citra”?
+ [2019-10-15T21:51:16Z] SoItBegins wwylele merged 21 commits into citra-emu:master from NarcolepticK:stub-cecd
+ [2019-10-15T21:51:08Z] SoItBegins OK, so here it says...
+ [2019-10-15T21:45:43Z] SoItBegins Note that it’s not my repository; I’ve only cloned it.
+ [2019-10-15T21:45:32Z] SoItBegins What’s the best way to do this?
+ [2019-10-15T21:45:28Z] SoItBegins (This pull request provides additional functionality.)
+ [2019-10-15T21:45:18Z] SoItBegins But, I want to take my local copy, and merge a certain pull request into it.
+ [2019-10-15T21:45:05Z] SoItBegins There is a repository, of which I have an old version. (The newest version of the code in it is incompatible with my OS.)