latest 20 messages by Soni

+ [2019-06-07T13:08:17Z] Soni I give up
+ [2019-06-07T13:08:17Z] Soni I give up
+ [2019-06-07T13:00:26Z] Soni can jekyll turn markdown into XML?
+ [2019-06-07T13:00:26Z] Soni can jekyll turn markdown into XML?
+ [2019-06-07T12:45:57Z] Soni well, jekyll has an IRC, at least
+ [2019-06-07T12:45:57Z] Soni well, jekyll has an IRC, at least
+ [2019-06-07T12:31:27Z] Soni with XHTML/XML support
+ [2019-06-07T12:31:27Z] Soni with XHTML/XML support
+ [2019-06-07T12:31:00Z] Soni I just want a simple, trivial, static site generator
+ [2019-06-07T12:31:00Z] Soni I just want a simple, trivial, static site generator
+ [2019-06-07T12:28:43Z] Soni Hugo has "LiveReload" which is javascript according to the docs
+ [2019-06-07T12:27:11Z] Soni the javascript can be turned off, at least
+ [2019-06-07T12:27:11Z] Soni the javascript can be turned off, at least
+ [2019-06-07T12:26:54Z] Soni it at the very least injects <meta name="generator"> and some javascript into the output (if the output is HTML)
+ [2019-06-07T12:26:54Z] Soni it at the very least injects <meta name="generator"> and some javascript into the output (if the output is HTML)
+ [2019-06-07T12:25:48Z] Soni anyway, massaging the output is bad, because it isn't "the minimal amount of work"
+ [2019-06-07T12:25:48Z] Soni anyway, massaging the output is bad, because it isn't "the minimal amount of work"
+ [2019-06-07T12:23:44Z] Soni I tried using Hugo, but it injects random crap everywhere and I couldn't get it to generate a single blog post.
+ [2019-06-07T12:23:44Z] Soni I tried using Hugo, but it injects random crap everywhere and I couldn't get it to generate a single blog post.
+ [2019-06-07T12:23:07Z] Soni a static site generator should be simple and do the minimal amount of work required to actually make the website work