latest 8 messages by Spec-Chum

+ [2016-08-03T21:45:51Z] Spec-Chum I'll try it again later, as I say, can't say I've noticed it before
+ [2016-08-03T21:44:16Z] Spec-Chum `Kevin, I think I'm ok there, I'm on a 4.6Ghz Quad core Maxwell :D
+ [2016-08-03T21:41:01Z] Spec-Chum I got fed up of typing my username and password every time so just changed to ssh, then noticed the speed
+ [2016-08-03T21:40:10Z] Spec-Chum rindolf, I think it might be my side, can't say I've noticed it before
+ [2016-08-03T21:35:09Z] Spec-Chum does cloning via ssh impose a speed limit? I seem to have a hard limit at 150kbs
+ [2016-07-31T23:35:59Z] Spec-Chum I had assumed it would just say everything is up to date
+ [2016-07-31T23:35:23Z] Spec-Chum I've just installed github desktop and synced, but git status in bash is showing all the files changed as modifed, is that right?