latest 20 messages by StevenXL

+ [2015-09-04T18:34:47Z] StevenXL (I decided not to upload the contents of _site to github directly because then others won't be able to see the development files and help me figure out what is wrong)
+ [2015-09-04T18:34:15Z] StevenXL grr - it is very frustratign that I can't get it to work properly. Maybe someone on stackoverflow will help.
+ [2015-09-04T18:25:56Z] StevenXL Calinou, It works when I push the contents of the _site folder.
+ [2015-09-04T18:23:05Z] StevenXL I guess it must not have one of the plugins?
+ [2015-09-04T18:22:55Z] StevenXL But I just don't get why it works on my machine and doesn't on GitHub.
+ [2015-09-04T18:22:45Z] StevenXL Calinou - OK, I will figure out another solution.
+ [2015-09-04T18:14:34Z] StevenXL hm.. maybe I can upload the site itself instead of the development files?
+ [2015-09-04T18:05:10Z] StevenXL It is not adding the highlight classes at all.
+ [2015-09-04T18:05:01Z] StevenXL Calinou, what actually gets built is very different when done by GitHub then when I do it through `jekyll serve`.
+ [2015-09-04T17:59:20Z] StevenXL (It doesn't seem to be adding the right classes"
+ [2015-09-04T17:59:06Z] StevenXL This all works when I preview the site with jekyll serve, but not when I push the development files to github
+ [2015-09-04T17:58:37Z] StevenXL I am importing the CSS stylesheet to highlight via an @import command on the CSS stylsheet.
+ [2015-09-04T17:57:28Z] StevenXL I am using markdown: kramdown, and then I am specifying kramdown: syntax_highlighter: rouge.
+ [2015-09-04T17:56:51Z] StevenXL Hi. I am having some trouble getting syntax highlighting to work on my blog. The development files for the blog can be found here:
+ [2015-09-03T14:04:22Z] StevenXL Sorry - I meant to past this: tevenXL, correct; kramdown uses tilde natively. kramdown provides a GFM (github flavored markdown) option, but it's problematic. the current way to get consistent backtick codeblock behavior is with redcarpet. jekyll sets the fenced code block enabled by default.
+ [2015-09-03T14:04:03Z] StevenXL jaybe, which helped me out, said this earlier:
+ [2015-09-03T14:03:12Z] StevenXL Unopoo, I would read this first: