latest 12 messages by StoneCypher

+ [2019-04-25T22:41:40Z] StoneCypher i kind of feel like i ought to be able to do it with git commit --amend --author but when i tried something went very wrong and i don't really understand how
+ [2019-04-25T22:40:14Z] StoneCypher if it's germane, he's made a three-line commit since
+ [2019-04-25T22:32:33Z] StoneCypher is there a sensible way to handle this?
+ [2019-04-25T22:32:24Z] StoneCypher i never squash or reword normally so i don't really know how they work
+ [2019-04-25T22:32:15Z] StoneCypher and we can't figure out how to fix it
+ [2019-04-25T22:32:11Z] StoneCypher one of my coworkers copy and pasted my work into a new file and now all my work is in their name
+ [2015-02-03T01:49:46Z] StoneCypher but i think those aren't per-repo (not certain)
+ [2015-02-03T01:49:37Z] StoneCypher ffledgling: by installing your ssh keys
+ [2015-02-02T17:42:15Z] StoneCypher if a developer committed a bunch of stuff they weren't meant to commit, then merged it, is there a way to undo that which either repairs or at least doesn't make worse the commit line count
+ [2015-01-31T00:28:53Z] StoneCypher if a junior dev accidentally commits 55,000 lines of library code, is there any way to save the line commit graphs