latest 12 messages by Stump_

+ [2016-12-09T23:25:12Z] Stump_ VxJasonxV: Oh that's nice
+ [2016-12-09T23:15:36Z] Stump_ ThiefMaster: You mean an older commit that got amended can be referenced by another branch and hence the issues page needs to get littered with which commits reference the issue?
+ [2016-12-09T23:08:27Z] Stump_ ThiefMaster: So yeah that happens when i reference an issue in my commit as well. As in the issues page gets littered with all the amended commits which reference the issue and unlike the pull requests page this doesn't go when I refresh.
+ [2016-12-09T23:07:15Z] Stump_ Ah right thanks.
+ [2016-12-09T22:59:15Z] Stump_ LegendThinker: Were you the one answering my question? I lost my connection in between :(
+ [2016-12-09T22:45:05Z] Stump_ ThiefMaster: As in if they were to amend and force-push to their fork updating the PR, the amends would be there but would go away on refreshing the page?
+ [2016-12-09T21:35:30Z] Stump_ Why does the pull requests page on github show every amend to a commit? Is there a way to hide that? Show only commits and not their amends?
+ [2016-12-09T21:22:23Z] Stump_ Does anyone know of a ready to use .gitattribute file for C?
+ [2016-12-09T21:13:38Z] Stump_ rindolf: Thanks but I know what new lines are and how they're represented in different systems. I was asking the best way to manage that with git.
+ [2016-12-09T21:11:16Z] Stump_ rindolf: The first answer here is pretty satisfactory
+ [2016-12-09T21:10:45Z] Stump_ rindolf: Sublime
+ [2016-12-09T20:55:09Z] Stump_ I'm on a windows machine collaborating with someone on linux. Every time I put in a new line on windows and commit, it shows up wrong on Github. What should be the right way to do it?