latest 20 messages by SylvieLorxu

+ [2014-02-19T20:44:14Z] SylvieLorxu Would be the best probably
+ [2014-02-19T20:43:48Z] SylvieLorxu Yeah, that would work
+ [2014-02-19T20:41:36Z] SylvieLorxu kaffeebohne: What's "incron"? Is it different from "cron"?
+ [2014-02-19T20:40:22Z] SylvieLorxu pontiki: "low churn" as in, not updated often?
+ [2014-02-19T20:38:19Z] SylvieLorxu troyswanson: Maybe ownCloud, even though that's a mess :P
+ [2014-02-19T20:38:05Z] SylvieLorxu pontiki: If I'd have the budget, I would, but right now I have nothing to offer, so asking people to do so would be plain rude
+ [2014-02-19T20:37:30Z] SylvieLorxu jaybe: That sounds like fun :P
+ [2014-02-19T20:36:55Z] SylvieLorxu I don't have the budget to do so, unfortunately, otherwise I would, The thing is, I made a pretty stupid deal :P
+ [2014-02-19T20:36:07Z] SylvieLorxu Oh God please kill me instead :P
+ [2014-02-19T20:35:59Z] SylvieLorxu PHP is not my language, like, at all
+ [2014-02-19T20:35:51Z] SylvieLorxu But where do I find such an app?
+ [2014-02-19T20:35:32Z] SylvieLorxu pontiki: With Pico? That would be perfect, from my view
+ [2014-02-19T20:33:52Z] SylvieLorxu kaffeebohne: If I had the infrastructure, and still, I won't get away with it with this client, I'm afraid (does Gitlab even have "Pages"?)
+ [2014-02-19T20:31:38Z] SylvieLorxu I like Jekyll, will use it for all sites where clients promise me that they won't go and say "I want a web GUI after all" :P