latest 16 messages by T3ZlckNvZGVy

+ [2016-05-04T14:47:02Z] T3ZlckNvZGVy It's a repo in the end, right?
+ [2016-05-04T14:44:04Z] T3ZlckNvZGVy I mean it's not a real project-site, but the point is allowing people to edit the content
+ [2016-05-04T14:43:46Z] T3ZlckNvZGVy I am making a website that's going to teach programming in some language
+ [2016-05-04T14:37:17Z] T3ZlckNvZGVy And is it possible to have a MySQL server there?
+ [2016-05-04T14:37:10Z] T3ZlckNvZGVy Does Github pages support PHP?
+ [2016-03-29T13:51:43Z] T3ZlckNvZGVy I mean I made a PR, then I forgot I missed a line, how do I add it without recreating the PR?
+ [2016-03-29T13:51:27Z] T3ZlckNvZGVy How do I edit a PR I made?