latest 19 messages by Takumo

+ [2017-01-03T16:19:28Z] Takumo Hi, I've created a custom liquid filter as a gem, and while I can use liquid and the gem directly and it all works, I can't seem to get it to work on a Jekyll site...
+ [2016-08-23T12:18:11Z] Takumo nah, I think I might be able to move this outside of the content
+ [2016-08-23T12:03:03Z] Takumo I think I've found a decent way to make this work actually
+ [2016-08-23T11:54:23Z] Takumo I need to use data and includes in-line with my content
+ [2016-08-23T11:54:16Z] Takumo captn3m0: I'm not sure this doing to work :/
+ [2016-08-23T11:23:00Z] Takumo so I can't use liquid in a page? I'd need to create a new layout for it?
+ [2016-08-23T11:03:40Z] Takumo How do I fix that?
+ [2016-08-23T11:03:38Z] Takumo Yeah, the page isn't running the Liquid code, only the _layout is
+ [2016-08-23T11:02:22Z] Takumo Weirdly its like the liquid statements in my page aren't being processed? They're just showing directly (via jekyll serve --watch --trace)
+ [2016-08-23T11:00:03Z] Takumo I guess these are more questions about Liquid though?
+ [2016-08-23T10:57:23Z] Takumo - How would I iterate over a filter of a and then include? In Ruby I'd do { |foo| == "baz" }.each
+ [2016-08-23T10:56:49Z] Takumo - Are assigned variables available within includes? e.g {% assign foo = "bar" %} {% include show_bar.html %} -- Will `foo` be defined insite show_bar.html ?
+ [2016-08-23T10:56:11Z] Takumo Hi all, couple quick questions:
+ [2016-08-03T13:25:58Z] Takumo weird, will have to look into it because it had frontmatter
+ [2016-08-03T13:05:25Z] Takumo do I need to add a .liquid or something to the file name?
+ [2016-08-03T13:05:12Z] Takumo its just outputting directly
+ [2016-08-03T13:05:09Z] Takumo hmm, my page isn't running the template code
+ [2016-08-03T12:43:48Z] Takumo e.g. if I have a *page* called /foo.html which uses the layout "page" can I use liquid templating in it?
+ [2016-08-03T12:43:20Z] Takumo Hi all, quick question, can you use liquid syntax in pages?