latest 16 messages by TexoByte

+ [2015-02-19T22:41:42Z] TexoByte jaybe, yes I would love to.
+ [2015-02-19T22:33:13Z] TexoByte Yeah.... exactly
+ [2015-02-19T22:33:07Z] TexoByte I was thinking a editable region would be a somewhat lateral solution.
+ [2015-02-19T22:32:30Z] TexoByte I used that a few times and I have to say it was amazing and clients LOVE it. The fact they can't screw up the site and can change info pretty quickly.
+ [2015-02-19T22:31:45Z] TexoByte Have you seen wordpress advanced custom fields?
+ [2015-02-19T22:31:31Z] TexoByte Yeah, thats what I am afraid of.. no small project.
+ [2015-02-19T22:28:37Z] TexoByte So do you find clients can edit them without causing to many issues? Any you recommend I try first? Setting up my site again since I moved hosts
+ [2015-02-19T22:25:54Z] TexoByte so have you tried any other cms like picocms, lightcms etc?
+ [2015-02-19T22:24:45Z] TexoByte Gotcha, its finding that balance.
+ [2015-02-19T22:21:44Z] TexoByte ok I will read up on I LOVE the lightweight part of a static site but man getting my wife to edit her site in html or markdown will get me laughed at. Wordpress, joomla etc is just so bloated in my opinion.
+ [2015-02-19T22:19:43Z] TexoByte markdown*
+ [2015-02-19T22:19:37Z] TexoByte Ok take wordpress and its back end for editing pages and content is there a way to get that same functionality in a jekyll site without editing using html or markup
+ [2015-02-19T22:17:38Z] TexoByte I see the blog functionality within Jekyll but I can't see some people editing their blogs or webpages that way.
+ [2015-02-19T22:16:42Z] TexoByte I guess I mean for running php calls for say a CMS
+ [2015-02-19T22:14:52Z] TexoByte So before jumping into learning jekyll I have a question. Can it be easily made to work with php on the server?