latest 11 messages by TheLawyer

+ [2017-03-13T15:27:22Z] TheLawyer hello everyone .. can someone tell me how to find specs and requirements of opensource project ... e.g.
+ [2016-09-22T08:45:02Z] TheLawyer what do they call the search keywords of github? qualifiers?
+ [2016-09-22T08:42:57Z] TheLawyer is there a way/keyword to search by the number of issues instead of the number of commits?
+ [2016-09-22T08:41:41Z] TheLawyer thanks allejo
+ [2016-09-22T08:13:35Z] TheLawyer the second sounds like the programming language in which the program was written by.
+ [2016-09-22T08:12:55Z] TheLawyer and written in this language
+ [2016-09-22T08:12:46Z] TheLawyer in github advanced search, what is the difference between Working in this language
+ [2016-09-22T07:51:03Z] TheLawyer what is the issuetracker? how is different or separated from git?
+ [2016-09-22T07:40:43Z] TheLawyer thanks allejo
+ [2016-09-22T07:38:21Z] TheLawyer could you please tell me how to search for projects that started after 2012 using the advanced search field "Created on the dates"