latest 8 messages by ThePortWhisperer

+ [2017-06-17T12:19:21Z] ThePortWhisperer very cool visualization of people contributing to a git:
+ [2017-04-06T01:26:14Z] ThePortWhisperer im only doing this to help evolve my notes and notetaking
+ [2017-04-06T01:24:50Z] ThePortWhisperer lemonlake, is that "veritas cluster server"
+ [2017-04-06T01:17:24Z] ThePortWhisperer some folks are mentioning i should use a github hosted page as a repository for notes, i'm worried that it will be less efficient than offline notetaking solutions, any feelings on that?
+ [2017-04-06T01:14:07Z] ThePortWhisperer if i like this guys github hosted page: and I want to "fork" it all over in to my own github hosted page, is there some quick way to do that