latest 11 messages by ToApolytoXaos

+ [2016-09-08T13:16:16Z] ToApolytoXaos I was referring at the source code package and whether a publicly accessible project should be considered FOSS by default, that's all
+ [2016-09-08T13:15:17Z] ToApolytoXaos no, I didn't say to run it
+ [2016-09-08T13:09:27Z] ToApolytoXaos can you validate my concerns if you don't mind?
+ [2016-09-08T13:05:53Z] ToApolytoXaos is this ethical or even legal?
+ [2016-09-08T13:05:45Z] ToApolytoXaos I have found a project that offers a source code package for its app, but when you extract it it's empty
+ [2016-09-08T13:02:16Z] ToApolytoXaos greetings everyone. if a project is available to the public, does it mean it should be Open Source by default?
+ [2015-09-20T21:12:15Z] ToApolytoXaos so the searching mechanism parses the first line and finds the following line "/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */" and considers it as a valid C++ file? :/
+ [2015-09-20T21:10:55Z] ToApolytoXaos greetings everyone. I don't know what's happening with github's search mechanism lately, but lots of nonsense pop up randomly;
+ [2014-07-11T17:28:20Z] ToApolytoXaos greetings everyone. a github-page newbie question: if two users install jekyll on their machines, do they need to sync their local jekyll installation?