latest 4 messages by Tohuw

+ [2016-05-08T23:48:32Z] Tohuw Hello, how do I disable sass caching in my jekyll site?
+ [2016-05-08T03:00:54Z] Tohuw Hello, I'm working on a Jekyll plugin and need to access the contents of a key in config.yml and retrieve all the values as an array. For example, in config.yml if I have: mykey: ["value1", "value2"] and in my Ruby code I have: %w[] and I wish to fill the yml values in the square brackets, how do I do that?
+ [2016-05-06T20:08:56Z] Tohuw Thanks jaybe
+ [2016-05-06T20:03:46Z] Tohuw Is there a general best practice for where images used in posts ought to be placed within the directory structure?