latest 11 messages by Trigraph

+ [2015-09-19T20:13:33Z] Trigraph for that gem
+ [2015-09-19T20:13:28Z] Trigraph i had to install some dev kit etc
+ [2015-09-19T20:13:11Z] Trigraph the last time i was doing web programming we wrote webpages in vim :S it seems to have become very complex
+ [2015-09-19T20:12:35Z] Trigraph i already installed jekyll-lunr-js-search
+ [2015-09-19T20:12:21Z] Trigraph kernel_require.rb:55:in `require': cannot load such file -- jekyll-lunr-js-search (LoadError)
+ [2015-09-19T20:11:59Z] Trigraph i added gems: ['jekyll-lunr-js-search'] to _config.yml
+ [2015-09-19T20:10:46Z] Trigraph it says i need to create a 'search' page
+ [2015-09-19T20:08:12Z] Trigraph i read somewhere that i can use Jekyll + lunr to create a search index etc but i am having problems following the guidelines fo the tutorial, i dont have experience with web stuff can someone help me out ? i am using the following guide:
+ [2015-09-19T20:06:52Z] Trigraph Good Morning/Afternoon. I have an old CD with html articles on it which are all linked together but without a search function