latest 8 messages by Tuplanolla

+ [2015-06-05T22:07:47Z] Tuplanolla Hakyll seems to work with the default configuration, so I'm switching to it.
+ [2015-06-05T21:25:50Z] Tuplanolla Did you miss the part about not using a server?
+ [2015-06-05T20:46:49Z] Tuplanolla The post.url values in the default index.html generate broken links and data.text does not end up in the same directory as article.html.
+ [2015-06-05T20:40:10Z] Tuplanolla Let's say I have baseurl: "" and with [1]: data.text in it.
+ [2015-06-05T20:34:16Z] Tuplanolla What settings do I need to change to get that?
+ [2015-06-05T20:24:00Z] Tuplanolla I thought it requires a base path like /~user or
+ [2015-06-05T20:21:28Z] Tuplanolla I mean this use case: write Markdown, call generator, archive results, share archive with others, have them extract archive, click index.html and see things just work.
+ [2015-06-05T19:50:30Z] Tuplanolla I spent the last six hours searching for a static website generator that produces files for local use and comes without a server. Can you point me to the right direction?