latest 9 messages by TynkaTopi

+ [2015-11-13T22:15:17Z] TynkaTopi something went wrong, now master has those stash marks
+ [2015-11-13T21:21:15Z] TynkaTopi I'll try stash
+ [2015-11-13T21:20:24Z] TynkaTopi my changes, I dont want commit my changes, I want that new version
+ [2015-11-13T21:20:05Z] TynkaTopi Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.
+ [2015-11-13T21:19:33Z] TynkaTopi nothing is wrong, I just want that new file to my hard drive, no matter my own changes
+ [2015-11-13T21:18:31Z] TynkaTopi it throws an error: error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
+ [2015-11-13T21:13:04Z] TynkaTopi I accepted pull request, how can I get that change to my hard drive also, I'm using TortoiseGit