latest 20 messages by UniFreak

+ [2016-12-11T08:07:36Z] UniFreak here is my gemfile of my blog:
+ [2016-12-11T08:07:04Z] UniFreak it give me : Could not find gem 'jekyll-paginate' in any of the gem sources listed in your Gemfile or available on this machine. (Bundler::GemNotFound)
+ [2016-12-11T08:06:54Z] UniFreak but when I run `jekyll serve`
+ [2016-12-11T08:06:47Z] UniFreak so I runned `gem install jekyll bundler` success
+ [2016-12-11T08:06:23Z] UniFreak hi, I'm trying to make jekyll work on my newly setted up Ubuntu 14 virtual box machine
+ [2016-07-22T06:26:34Z] UniFreak Is it right behavior , or I'm doing it wrong?
+ [2016-07-22T06:26:06Z] UniFreak if I do it like this: ```php ...mycode ...```, there won't be any highlight
+ [2016-07-22T06:25:37Z] UniFreak all is fine, only that when I'm trying to write a php code block, I have to do so like this: ```php <?php ....mycode... ?> ```
+ [2016-07-22T06:24:57Z] UniFreak I'm trying to switch to rouge and kramdown, here is my _config.yml:
+ [2016-04-28T08:07:55Z] UniFreak still here
+ [2016-04-28T08:06:59Z] UniFreak but if I added that line, `jekyll serve` will fail complaining can't fund wdm:
+ [2016-04-28T08:05:49Z] UniFreak but one funny thing, every time I run `jekyll serve`, it will output some remind to let me add `gem 'wdm', '>= 0.1.0' if Gem.win_platform?`, like this:
+ [2016-04-28T08:04:34Z] UniFreak DirtyF_: I just added `gem 'json'` into Gemfile, now jekyll serve don't complain
+ [2016-04-28T07:45:16Z] UniFreak DirtyF_: i'm using jekyll 3.0.1
+ [2016-04-28T07:10:37Z] UniFreak I'm using Cygwin in Win7
+ [2016-04-28T07:10:23Z] UniFreak please tell what's going on
+ [2016-04-28T07:10:17Z] UniFreak when I was trying to do `jekyll serve`, here is the error output:
+ [2016-03-24T13:45:22Z] UniFreak Seveas: how? I'm on Win7
+ [2016-03-24T13:44:06Z] UniFreak how can I solve this?
+ [2016-03-24T13:44:02Z] UniFreak hi. when I'm requesting, using curl, the error of `Curl error:SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate` will be triggered