latest 8 messages by V1s1ble
So within my page navigation I want to implement a First / Latest (it's for a web comic). Using the site/post variables, how do I determine what the first and last posts are. I've tried site.posts.first, site.posts[0], etc.
and it works if I modify the gem directly, but if I put it in a plugin, it doesn't load early enough to be useful and I'd like to not have to fork jekyll, make my own gem, add tests and submit a pull...not yet at least. I will once I get it working
and I want to share components across multiple source trees
I made these changes because I don't use Github pages:
Is there a way to monkey patch core Jekyll classes without touching the installed gem?
Is that possible?
but I want the page using the layout to be able to specify a variable for the specific category I should use... site.categories.$cattype or something like that
Say I have a page layout and in it I do some logic where I iterate all my posts in a category (e.g. site.categories.journal) and that works fine