latest 5 messages by Vermicelli

+ [2013-10-18T09:05:59Z] Vermicelli .mo and .po compiled files for translating content.
+ [2013-10-18T09:05:39Z] Vermicelli I need something as simple as ugettext as we do in django.
+ [2013-10-18T09:05:06Z] Vermicelli Thanks. I need something that is really easy to setup. I have seen some blog posts about it. I need my content in Dutch and English, but i really don't want to do any hard labour.
+ [2013-10-18T08:44:00Z] Vermicelli Anyone did multi lingual stuff with jekyll?
+ [2013-10-18T07:26:28Z] Vermicelli Hi guys, Can anyone tell me about implementing multi lingual site with jekyll?