latest 11 messages by Wferr

+ [2015-11-05T07:21:25Z] Wferr Thanks!
+ [2015-11-05T07:19:14Z] Wferr gynter: not sure :/
+ [2015-11-05T07:19:08Z] Wferr a dumb example would be putting the site through more layouts like if site.minify = true make default go through the minify layout
+ [2015-11-05T07:17:19Z] Wferr using true and false
+ [2015-11-05T07:17:08Z] Wferr i was going to use it to allow changes to alot of pages quicky from the config
+ [2015-11-05T07:16:16Z] Wferr gynter: just makes it more flexable
+ [2015-11-05T06:55:22Z] Wferr would be awesome if it was possible
+ [2015-11-05T06:55:11Z] Wferr Ello! Anyone know if its possible to use liquid {% if %} {% endif %} inside of the yaml front matter?
+ [2015-06-21T04:00:20Z] Wferr o/ haii jaybe
+ [2015-03-02T02:45:10Z] Wferr anyone? :(
+ [2015-03-02T02:11:59Z] Wferr any reason why this wouldnt work?