latest 20 messages by Wooble

+ [2015-09-09T18:53:16Z] Wooble Adnn: either restructured text or markdown works.
+ [2015-09-09T11:55:09Z] Wooble click the little pencil icon when you're viewing the file.
+ [2015-09-09T11:54:39Z] Wooble OnkelTem: well, you can certainly edit your readme on the website. I'm not sure what "master" means.
+ [2015-08-19T18:47:08Z] Wooble that's not configurable?
+ [2015-08-19T18:45:42Z] Wooble schmity: if you want you repo to be called "public" and have the files in the top level, just make "public" the repo to begin with, sure.
+ [2015-08-19T17:06:24Z] Wooble (tested, "#2" works fine)
+ [2015-08-19T17:01:43Z] Wooble I think the ref language comes from using bitbucket. Possibly just #2 would work.
+ [2015-08-19T17:00:47Z] Wooble etc.
+ [2015-08-19T17:00:43Z] Wooble knod: I use "ref issue #2
+ [2015-08-18T18:26:21Z] Wooble I'd guess most github employees use vi and emacs :P
+ [2015-08-18T14:49:35Z] Wooble momo_: sure.
+ [2015-08-18T14:39:27Z] Wooble (documents doesn't already contain stuff, does it?)
+ [2015-08-18T14:39:02Z] Wooble no, clone creates the repo too. init is for starting a new repo.
+ [2015-08-18T14:38:17Z] Wooble momo_: git clone repo1 documents
+ [2015-08-17T20:01:07Z] Wooble sheilong: . is the current directory/
+ [2015-08-17T19:57:02Z] Wooble sheilong: well, `git mv Tic-Tac-Toe/ttt.c ./ttt.c; git rm -r Tic-Tac-Toe/ Programming/` from the root of the repo should get rid of all the extra nested folders.
+ [2015-08-17T19:43:25Z] Wooble (well, for C I'd probably call the directory with the src "src" and have a Makefile...)
+ [2015-08-17T19:42:35Z] Wooble sheilong: that's pretty much exactly how you should structure a project. What's the problem?
+ [2015-08-13T20:14:57Z] Wooble In my experience GH is good about marking it merged, but I may have just avoided ever doing anything awful that would throw it off.
+ [2015-08-12T18:10:06Z] Wooble pedants, not web developers :P