latest 20 messages by YammYcoding

+ [2015-03-07T23:49:58Z] YammYcoding ah okay then, thank you =)
+ [2015-03-07T23:48:07Z] YammYcoding hmm it says that I want to merge 1 commit into laracasts:master from YammYcoding:patch-1.
+ [2015-03-07T23:46:51Z] YammYcoding it's right, then?
+ [2015-03-07T23:46:31Z] YammYcoding i edited besides the write error, and it has a button 'propose file change'.
+ [2015-03-07T23:44:36Z] YammYcoding edit the file. and it says i have no write access.
+ [2015-03-07T23:44:24Z] YammYcoding like. i go to laracasts/flash. src/views
+ [2015-03-07T23:43:53Z] YammYcoding but it's not mine
+ [2015-03-07T23:42:12Z] YammYcoding i gone to the original, them master branch. then edit the file. it says: You're editing a file in a project you don't have write access to. Submitting a change to this file will write it to a new branch in your fork YammYcoding/flash, so you can send a pull request.
+ [2015-03-07T23:39:57Z] YammYcoding I forked. then pull requested. wrong ?
+ [2015-03-07T23:38:44Z] YammYcoding i just created. now it has a green button: merge pull request. what it does ?
+ [2015-03-07T23:37:15Z] YammYcoding hmm btw what pull request actually means ?
+ [2015-03-07T23:31:53Z] YammYcoding I have a fix on a line of code from a place in git. how do I put the fixed line to the author verify and add to the original code ? I forked, edited the file. now what i do, commit to master branch or create new branch and pull request ?
+ [2014-08-31T17:51:08Z] YammYcoding one more thing. how do I message a repo owner from github site?