latest 7 messages by Yatekii

+ [2019-07-19T10:14:01Z] Yatekii cya :)
+ [2019-07-19T10:13:58Z] Yatekii thx anyways!
+ [2019-07-19T10:13:53Z] Yatekii but nvm I found it on some (who thought it ..) rust GH issue :)
+ [2019-07-19T10:13:32Z] Yatekii deepy: that doesn't document anything at best lol. it doesn't tell you how you encrypt the keys really. just how th broken ruby scripts *should* work (they segfault for me).
+ [2019-07-18T23:12:27Z] Yatekii hey folks, I would like to have automatic zips generated for new tags. but if I add the oauth key to travis every1 can see it. is there another way? dunno who thought of that LOL
+ [2016-11-23T21:43:50Z] Yatekii anyone here using ipython notebooks with github?