latest 11 messages by Ziarkaen

+ [2013-09-19T14:20:13Z] Ziarkaen I'm using the default RedCarpet. How can I make it leave alone my quotes inside HTML? (if this is too dificult, I'll just create a dedicated layout for the one page containing the HTML)
+ [2013-09-19T14:19:10Z] Ziarkaen So I have <script src="myfile.js">, which obviously doesn't work
+ [2013-09-19T14:18:53Z] Ziarkaen I want to embed some javascript in a MD page. All the HTML is identified and left alone by the MD converter, except that the quote chatracters are rendered as "
+ [2013-09-10T21:30:02Z] Ziarkaen Maybe I'll write a Jekyll plugin to auto-detect and convert if I forget.
+ [2013-09-10T21:29:55Z] Ziarkaen OK, I'll take the simplest approach and stop using single headers.
+ [2013-09-10T21:19:13Z] Ziarkaen troyswanson: Avoiding first-level headings in markdown is one option, yes. But that feels not quite right. When authoring markdown, by top headings *are* pre-eminent, but when embedded in my site *are not*. Ideally pandoc or whatever generator would make the transformation.
+ [2013-09-10T21:12:45Z] Ziarkaen (I'm guessing one could do it with LESS or SASS, but I want pure CSS)
+ [2013-09-10T21:12:19Z] Ziarkaen I have jekyll set up nicely, however I would prefer the HTML headings generated from the markdown to be "downgraded". e.g. # test -> <h2>test</h2>. This is so that my site header remains larger than anything in a post. IS there a way to do this through Jekyll, or CSS?
+ [2013-05-18T21:58:21Z] Ziarkaen I am trying to add a safeguard so as not to attempt access to posts that don't exist. I'm trying to use {% if site.posts.length > 1 %}, but this doesn't work. In fact, {{ site.posts.length }} doesn't return anything either. What's up?
+ [2013-05-18T13:37:53Z] Ziarkaen (reading through the docs, Jekyll seems pretty blog-specific with the Post primitive, etc.)
+ [2013-05-18T13:37:24Z] Ziarkaen I'm trying to set up a simple webcomic page. The most recent image must be displayed on the frontpage. Is this possible with Jekyll?