latest 12 messages by Zoohouse

+ [2014-11-07T16:20:17Z] Zoohouse Nevik: awesome thanks
+ [2014-11-07T16:16:06Z] Zoohouse Hello all. Question: I opened an issue in a project that I am not the owner, say issue #3. I forked the project, made a branch, and fixed the issue. I am commiting the changes now on my branch, how should I word the Fixed #3 bit so when the original author merges my changes it will close the issue I opened? do I leave it as Fixed #3 or do I need to do something more?
+ [2014-11-05T19:07:01Z] Zoohouse language:Python Python3 seems to work.
+ [2014-11-05T19:04:36Z] Zoohouse I see what you mean. Let me give it a try.
+ [2014-11-05T19:01:52Z] Zoohouse That's what I was doing... I was hoping there was a method to explore by language since github is tracking the project's language anyhow...
+ [2014-11-05T18:59:36Z] Zoohouse Is there a way to search github to find projects written in Python3?
+ [2014-11-05T16:01:35Z] Zoohouse Never mind, I see what I did wrong.
+ [2014-11-05T16:01:01Z] Zoohouse I meant to say markdown
+ [2014-11-05T15:58:38Z] Zoohouse I'm doing this in README.MD file.
+ [2014-11-05T15:58:06Z] Zoohouse I use markup to do a link like this: (pySide but when I view it on github I don't see the link as expected, instead I see: (pySide What did I do wrong?
+ [2014-11-05T15:15:29Z] Zoohouse Hello everyone