latest 20 messages by _AJ

+ [2014-07-06T02:13:54Z] _AJ Yo!
+ [2014-07-05T20:54:09Z] _AJ mikechelen: I just have python and ruby gems installed. it works for me.
+ [2014-07-05T20:16:48Z] _AJ Start a new jekyll project and run bundle install at the command line. You see the list of installed gem dependancies including pygments.
+ [2014-07-05T20:02:43Z] _AJ Comment out the .highlight classes in your css and see what the page looks like. That will confirm that theory.
+ [2014-07-05T19:59:24Z] _AJ You could also inspect the element in the browser to see what you're looking at.
+ [2014-07-05T19:59:05Z] _AJ On a default Jekyll install search the main.css file for the .highlight class.
+ [2014-07-05T19:56:19Z] _AJ Any good documentation on iterating all of your Collections for a Collection index page? I want to display all of the collections on the collections index page.
+ [2014-07-05T19:55:03Z] _AJ Are you sure you're not just seeing the rendered .highlight css?
+ [2013-12-16T00:56:30Z] _AJ Anyone have any advice or links to check out on using one jekyll installation for two sites? Ideally sharing assets, layouts, includes across two domains.
+ [2013-10-29T01:37:44Z] _AJ jaybe: Just to confirm, the _data directory is already a feature in 1.2.1? Right?
+ [2013-10-29T01:26:23Z] _AJ awesome!
+ [2013-10-29T01:06:17Z] _AJ Does't look like that feature has made it to the docs page yet. It's a real gem!
+ [2013-10-29T01:04:25Z] _AJ Not having to restart the server is just clutch!
+ [2013-10-29T01:02:50Z] _AJ You rock!
+ [2013-10-29T01:02:45Z] _AJ
+ [2013-10-29T01:02:45Z] _AJ jeybe: _data is exactly what I was looking for!
+ [2013-10-29T00:52:25Z] _AJ Oh, that awesome!
+ [2013-10-29T00:30:27Z] _AJ Since you're full of awesome ideas. is there anyway to include an additional config.yml file from within the _config.yml file instead of having to type out --config on the CLI every time?
+ [2013-10-29T00:25:49Z] _AJ many thanks!
+ [2013-10-29T00:25:01Z] _AJ I'm going to have to do some reading up on Liquid. I think you just saved me a TON of time!