latest 12 messages by _Soto

+ [2016-11-30T02:48:38Z] _Soto Thanks. :)
+ [2016-11-30T02:47:15Z] _Soto allejo: It's good.
+ [2016-11-30T02:45:09Z] _Soto allejo: I understand that. It works as long as the collaborators agree to not push directly I guess.
+ [2016-11-30T02:43:17Z] _Soto Ah. That's interesting. Protecting the master branch would work for me as mostly the development is going to circle around master and some of feature branches.
+ [2016-11-30T02:41:41Z] _Soto allejo: Alright thanks.
+ [2016-11-30T02:41:20Z] _Soto allejo: Ha ha that we could always do yes. But I was looking for a more structured way to do this.
+ [2016-11-30T02:36:15Z] _Soto allejo: And permissions can't be changed even for a private repo right? I'm in a position where me and a teammate need to collaborate. We'd ideally like to be able to have restricted rights and reviews. What would you suggest as an alternative?
+ [2016-11-30T02:31:09Z] _Soto Is this functionality not available entirely for personally owned repos or can I get this through a student pack? Github enterprise allows for using gitolite. Is there something similar I could use?
+ [2016-11-30T02:26:44Z] _Soto Sorry I lost my connection there.
+ [2016-11-30T02:26:37Z] _Soto And reviews for PRs
+ [2016-11-30T02:26:37Z] _Soto Hey everybody. I was adding collaborators to a public repository owned personally(Not organizational) and I realised I probably don't want to be providing push access to the repo. Is there a way to change permission levels having added collaborators?
+ [2016-11-30T02:11:03Z] _Soto Hey everybody. I was adding collaborators to a public repository owned personally(Not organizational) and I realised I probably don't want to be providing push access to the repo. Is there a way to change permission levels having added collaborators?