latest 7 messages by _ami_

+ [2016-09-04T15:20:24Z] _ami_ i use vim so i am not sure if i can copy ohms symbol to vim
+ [2016-09-04T15:19:44Z] _ami_ mchelen2: thanks for the help though. :)
+ [2016-09-04T15:19:32Z] _ami_ Adding ';' fixed the problem for me.
+ [2016-09-04T15:19:10Z] _ami_ mchelen2: yeah, it worked. i was using &\#8486 but without ";"
+ [2016-09-04T12:02:18Z] _ami_ my posts format is markdown
+ [2016-09-04T11:53:50Z] _ami_ how to add special characters like ohms or lambda in my posts?
+ [2016-09-04T11:53:41Z] _ami_ Hi