latest 16 messages by abcd593

+ [2015-03-19T11:35:17Z] abcd593 I tried to put display: inline; into .post-list but it didn't help :(
+ [2015-03-19T11:32:43Z] abcd593 Hi, I use default theme supplied by jekyll. Right now the News section has a date and the post title bellow. How do I change it, so that the post title is displayed to the right of the date (not bellow)? Thank you very much!
+ [2015-03-04T13:39:09Z] abcd593 Thank you very much!
+ [2015-03-04T13:38:56Z] abcd593 I also added an if in page.html to test for Home page...
+ [2015-03-04T13:38:36Z] abcd593 yes, you are right - it worked.
+ [2015-03-04T13:30:24Z] abcd593 pontiki: and weight: 2 in frontmatter
+ [2015-03-04T13:28:00Z] abcd593 {% endfor %}
+ [2015-03-04T13:27:58Z] abcd593 {% endif %}
+ [2015-03-04T13:27:56Z] abcd593 <a class="page-link" href="{{ page.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">{{ page.title }}</a>
+ [2015-03-04T13:27:54Z] abcd593 {% if page.title %}
+ [2015-03-04T13:27:51Z] abcd593 {% for page in site.pages %}
+ [2015-03-04T13:27:26Z] abcd593 pontiki: and then:
+ [2015-03-04T13:26:01Z] abcd593 Thank you. {% assign pages = site.pages | sort:"weight" %} - should this work in regular Jekyll without plugins?
+ [2015-03-04T13:01:48Z] abcd593 Hi, 1) is there a way to influence the order of the menu-tabs (which are page titles) in the default jekyll theme? 2) I have with 'title: Home' (so it gets respective menu-tab), but the problem is that the word "Home" is displayed on that front page - how can I remove this word? Thank you.
+ [2015-02-11T10:24:27Z] abcd593 I have home page as with title: Home ...
+ [2015-02-11T10:04:48Z] abcd593 Hi, 1. How can I disable title for the Home page while keeping it as a menu tab in header? 2. How can I order menu tabs in the header? Thank you very much!