latest 20 messages by abcd59397

+ [2015-06-04T20:32:40Z] abcd59397 now it seems to work, but I have no idea why
+ [2015-06-04T20:32:28Z] abcd59397 gynter: I saw it and tried it locally, but it didn't work
+ [2015-06-04T20:21:39Z] abcd59397 like here:
+ [2015-06-04T20:20:26Z] abcd59397 gynter: if I do that - all my images get in a vertical column - I want them to be in horizontal raw
+ [2015-06-04T19:50:15Z] abcd59397 and it should be like this:
+ [2015-06-04T19:49:49Z] abcd59397 the same here:
+ [2015-06-04T19:49:18Z] abcd59397 it should be like on the front page - "share this"-bar just before the footer...
+ [2015-06-04T19:48:32Z] abcd59397 gynter: allejo: this is probably more css related, but I'm sure you'll know the answer, here is the bug ("share this"-bar is under the screenshot)... thank you...
+ [2015-06-04T19:04:19Z] abcd59397 gynter: allejo: thank you very much! this worked!
+ [2015-06-04T19:01:21Z] abcd59397 {% if page.title %}{{% assign title = page.title %}}{% else %}{{% assign title = site.title %}}{% endif %}
+ [2015-06-04T19:01:18Z] abcd59397 this didn't work:
+ [2015-06-04T18:58:25Z] abcd59397 page.title not always, that's why the "if"
+ [2015-06-04T18:56:35Z] abcd59397 I mean "title" is empty in the link...
+ [2015-06-04T18:54:19Z] abcd59397 (it doesn't appear here: href="{{ title }}&u={{ url }}")...
+ [2015-06-04T18:52:39Z] abcd59397 Hi, is this correct (does't work...): {% if page.title %}{{ assign title = page.title }}{% else %}{{ assign title = site.title }}{% endif %} ?
+ [2015-06-04T16:47:43Z] abcd59397 thank you! I also found this: however here they seem to be in some other format than those supplied by the standard Jekyll...
+ [2015-06-04T16:43:14Z] abcd59397 then I need an image thats fits the both existing icons...