latest 12 messages by abyssalWhiteShoe

+ [2015-07-20T19:23:22Z] abyssalWhiteShoe the problem was generating those 10posts div with jekyll up to now
+ [2015-07-20T19:22:39Z] abyssalWhiteShoe well jaybe I thought it would be possible if everyn ten posts are in the same div
+ [2015-07-20T19:22:08Z] abyssalWhiteShoe yea I dont plan having a huge number of posts
+ [2015-07-20T19:19:31Z] abyssalWhiteShoe too bad because it seemed simple enough, I guess Im gonna read about that plugin then
+ [2015-07-20T19:17:48Z] abyssalWhiteShoe not really , I wanted to avoid plugins at start for simple development
+ [2015-07-20T19:14:18Z] abyssalWhiteShoe basically it has o start over until every post is rendered
+ [2015-07-20T19:08:15Z] abyssalWhiteShoe hey guys, I've been trying to find how can I increment a loop in jekyll but without success. Anyone got an idea ? Basically I want to show my posts 10 by ten