latest 19 messages by acedrew

+ [2014-08-11T03:24:11Z] acedrew haha so I have to build a string, then split it.... oh my.
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:11Z] acedrew And I've been using mostly "logic-less" lately, heh
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:11Z] acedrew thanks I'll dig in. I'm familiar with various templating engines, just not liquid.
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:11Z] acedrew Ahhh OK, I'll go dig into some liquid docs
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:11Z] acedrew So I can do that in liquid?
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:11Z] acedrew some posts have the same title, and I want to then do the {% for title in list_of_titles %} {% for post in site.posts %} {% if post.title == title %} do blah
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:11Z] acedrew Unless there's a way to compile another iterable in liquid?
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:11Z] acedrew That would work if I was trying to get the types attached to a specific post, but I want to know all the types used in all the posts.
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:11Z] acedrew But why not have the option to treat any front matter key as a tag or category.
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:11Z] acedrew I think there's a plugin that does it, I may have to look at that, thanks!
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:11Z] acedrew grrr you shouldn't be limited to defined taxonomies.
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:11Z] acedrew I'm saying I have a key, "type" in each post, and I want to be able to access a list of all unique values for that key in all posts, like tags or categories currently.
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:11Z] acedrew Did I miss something simple in the docs?
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:10Z] acedrew Is there a non-plugin way to get a list of unique values from a front matter key in my posts?
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:10Z] acedrew Perfect thanks.
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:10Z] acedrew Ah, got you, just not in the release.
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:10Z] acedrew Should there be an issue for that?
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:10Z] acedrew Thanks parkr
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:10Z] acedrew Is there a way to set a default layout for a collection? By path doesn't seem to work.