latest 6 messages by aeo1ack

+ [2015-09-09T10:36:21Z] aeo1ack Hello. Does repository watch send notice about new commit? Or is it only about pull requests
+ [2015-08-20T13:21:23Z] aeo1ack Hello. How to use some $50 free google ads ticket to promote github page a little?
+ [2015-08-07T00:09:51Z] aeo1ack So no way?
+ [2015-08-06T23:33:38Z] aeo1ack Hello. How to make a script that has no #!/bin/bash at the beginning to be recognized as Bash script?
+ [2015-08-06T14:55:08Z] aeo1ack Hello btw
+ [2015-08-06T14:55:04Z] aeo1ack How to make a file without #!/bin/sh recognized as shell script, in the web interface?