latest 10 messages by agenteo

+ [2015-02-13T01:58:29Z] agenteo *built
+ [2015-02-13T01:58:23Z] agenteo can I push to some other branch the build source code?
+ [2015-02-13T01:58:11Z] agenteo hi there, I am using github pages I added a plugin to render a tag page displaying posts with that tag. When I build locally I can see the tag pages. When I push my code to origin master github pages do not display those tag pages… can somebody point me in the right direction?
+ [2015-02-11T16:47:25Z] agenteo I see, thanks for the heads up
+ [2015-02-11T16:19:06Z] agenteo interesting, I never addeda jekyll tag with spaces in the first place. That should be possible since they’re strings, where is the problem with those implementations pontiki?
+ [2015-02-11T16:15:07Z] agenteo thanks for pointing me in a good direction!
+ [2015-02-11T16:14:12Z] agenteo yeah I looked at a few tags plugins but are overkill, I might just add a generator for the endpoints
+ [2015-02-11T16:10:01Z] agenteo and I’d like those endpoints filled up automatically based on my tags. I understand I can create them manually but I’d rather not.
+ [2015-02-11T16:09:32Z] agenteo mmm but what if you tag something with: ‘ruby’ and want a /ruby endpoint?
+ [2015-02-11T16:07:30Z] agenteo hi there, is there a reccomanded plugin or way to serve tags pages?