latest 6 messages by ajnr

+ [2020-03-05T11:02:43Z] ajnr Soliton, Thanks - trying
+ [2020-03-05T10:42:46Z] ajnr Soliton, I have changed my current working directory to your local repositoryand then excuted the above command git rm --cached giant_file here the giant_file i sthe embeding file. i gave the path , but it is not working. i may be doing wrong somewhere
+ [2020-03-05T10:34:35Z] ajnr Soliton, I tried with git rm --cached embeddings_100_vector_15_winSize.txt and git rm --cached assets/pdf/embeddings_100_vector_15_winSize.txt but both of the time I got fatal: pathspec 'embeddings_100_vector_15_winSize.txt' did not match any files
+ [2020-03-05T10:12:47Z] ajnr Soliton, may i know the command to remove file from history
+ [2020-03-05T10:03:17Z] ajnr Soliton, how to do that, please help, i manually removed that file but it is showing the same remote: error: File assets/pdf/embeddings_100_vector_15_winSize.txt is 122.06 MB; this exceeds GitHub's file size limit of 100.00 MB
+ [2020-03-05T09:40:00Z] ajnr Hi, I am facing a problem to upload document on github site. eventhough I dont have the large file name embeddings_100_vector_15_winSize.txt with the filesize 122.06 MB in my local machine, while giving the push command it is displaying the same. Please help me to upload the local content in the remote site. I am getting the following error: please help me