latest 20 messages by ak

+ [2015-01-01T23:01:50Z] ak hmm
+ [2015-01-01T22:54:01Z] ak seems funky indeed
+ [2015-01-01T22:53:50Z] ak
+ [2015-01-01T22:51:26Z] ak err {{ post.secondaryContent }} or whathaveyou
+ [2015-01-01T22:50:54Z] ak I remember seeing a post on adding other sections aside from {{ content }} a few weeks ago but I can't seem to find it. Sounds like that would be a possible work around. Have the plugin render in that section of each post then {% for post in site.posts %} {{ secondaryContent }} {% endfor %}
+ [2015-01-01T22:46:19Z] ak nice post :)
+ [2015-01-01T22:26:41Z] ak well, I figured one thing out. Liquid tags still get parsed even if they're commented out in the HTML, which I didn't even think about thanks go the syntax highlighting
+ [2015-01-01T22:21:17Z] ak Thanks for the help
+ [2015-01-01T22:21:09Z] ak ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
+ [2015-01-01T22:19:23Z] ak yeah. I just took out all the for loops and the plugin is still running 5 times for 3 posts... very odd
+ [2015-01-01T22:04:28Z] ak Yeah, my ruby chops aren't good enough to parse whats happening there. doesn't look pretty
+ [2015-01-01T21:52:45Z] ak I'm watching it create empty galleries even when the liquid if statement should not be triggering the plugin... I'm at a loss
+ [2015-01-01T21:50:57Z] ak haha
+ [2015-01-01T21:37:08Z] ak err pontiki
+ [2015-01-01T21:36:50Z] ak by the way ponitki, thanks a lot for the help. I'm pretty far from home and I've been pounding my head against the wall with this for a while. It's nice to have a second pair of eyes.
+ [2015-01-01T21:30:20Z] ak I suppose I could create a second content section for the generator and looping through that as opposed to calling the plugin in the for loop
+ [2015-01-01T21:29:19Z] ak lol
+ [2015-01-01T21:29:11Z] ak Fixed the exception in index and now the gallery is missing in the post following the post without the gallery.
+ [2015-01-01T21:27:44Z] ak Thanks.
+ [2015-01-01T21:20:28Z] ak not at the moment... sec..