latest 20 messages by akamenskiy

+ [2016-02-18T08:51:12Z] akamenskiy thinking to send Facebook request for "Dislike" button.
+ [2016-02-18T08:49:21Z] akamenskiy Which of course would only be useful for feature-requests, but since Githab has no difference between bug and FR, it could be same generalized.
+ [2016-02-18T08:48:37Z] akamenskiy disappointing that there is no "downvote" option though.
+ [2016-02-18T08:45:51Z] akamenskiy Gamah: Here is Atlassian with their votes on bitbucket issues -
+ [2016-02-18T08:27:30Z] akamenskiy This is what social network for developers would be like, lol. Like "Likes" on FB.
+ [2016-02-18T08:26:59Z] akamenskiy Gamah: That is exactly what I meant that this is maintainers choice what to do with feedback, but at least they would get a feedback
+ [2016-02-18T08:24:03Z] akamenskiy Gamah: It isn't community's choice whether to take that feedback ;)
+ [2016-02-18T08:21:38Z] akamenskiy Example of one feature request that resulted in very popular fork is unvilingness of Node.js maintainers to update V8 enginer
+ [2016-02-18T08:17:04Z] akamenskiy That is if we are still talking about community driven projects
+ [2016-02-18T08:15:57Z] akamenskiy As frequent reporter if valid issues on Github I've never seen ability to tag them. AFAIK only owners/contributors can add tags...
+ [2016-02-18T08:14:32Z] akamenskiy I guess votes in issues would show how many users are affected by this and will help to prioritize them among other issues. Issue that affects 20 users vs issue that affects 20k users.
+ [2016-02-18T08:12:34Z] akamenskiy I think Spotify reject many proposals due to legal issue (I may be wrong tho as have not seen any example of proposals there), they are in the business where lawsuits are norm.
+ [2016-02-18T08:00:41Z] akamenskiy I upvote that idea
+ [2016-02-18T07:56:42Z] akamenskiy kortti: Guess both up and down vote is needed as most of community may be opposing this request/change, up votes only would not show this
+ [2016-02-18T07:45:59Z] akamenskiy And don't think comments would suffice for this
+ [2016-02-18T07:44:06Z] akamenskiy Just guess that simple count of up/down votes and generally attention to given topic would give developers great overview if what community needs
+ [2016-02-18T07:43:01Z] akamenskiy kortti: Just had this thought when seen yet another "holy war" in another channel that began with link to the OSS project
+ [2016-02-18T07:39:17Z] akamenskiy wishes that Github had votes on issues