latest 9 messages by akemhp

+ [2019-09-30T22:57:23Z] akemhp Yes, thanks tang^.
+ [2019-09-30T22:57:10Z] akemhp tang^, I just found how, clicking on the line number, then permalink :)
+ [2019-09-30T22:53:58Z] akemhp Is it possible to get a HTTP link that would open github at a specific file and position the browser at a specific line?
+ [2019-09-30T19:22:04Z] akemhp It's useless, what's the point?
+ [2019-09-30T19:21:18Z] akemhp It's a pity, even Google is annoying me with verifications on my phone number all the time if i connect from another machine or through my VPN sometimes...
+ [2019-09-30T19:17:43Z] akemhp Ok vicfred.
+ [2019-09-30T19:17:02Z] akemhp vicfred, It's annoying cause my account is invisible to others while it is in that flagged state...
+ [2019-09-30T19:16:38Z] akemhp vicfred, I see, i didn't forked much repos in my case, did you tried to commit stuff to your repos, did that work?
+ [2019-09-30T19:15:21Z] akemhp Hey, my account has been flagged last week for whatever reason and i contacted them, but still nothing ://