latest 8 messages by akurilin

+ [2015-05-07T23:55:25Z] akurilin dig seems to indicate correct cnaming
+ [2015-05-07T23:55:12Z] akurilin question: I'm having a hard time having my route53 CNAME redirect to an organization's gh pages repo
+ [2015-04-27T21:41:35Z] akurilin Ok fair enough. Any advice on how to diagnose this? What's a good github endpoint I can test against?
+ [2015-04-27T21:38:27Z] akurilin I'm getting continuously timed out.
+ [2015-04-27T21:38:20Z] akurilin Any of you folks having trouble sshing in today?
+ [2014-11-24T22:31:27Z] akurilin Oh apparently the Owners team is not deletable
+ [2014-11-24T22:30:05Z] akurilin quick question: how do I delete a team in my organization? I can't find a way..