latest 19 messages by alaing

+ [2015-05-05T19:30:13Z] alaing how do i output site.github.public_reposities key/value pairs?
+ [2015-05-05T19:29:45Z] alaing hi people
+ [2015-04-09T20:49:10Z] alaing hi does anyone have expereince with using jekyll and github? in particular using site.github namespace locally
+ [2015-04-09T20:15:34Z] alaing
+ [2015-04-09T20:12:19Z] alaing hi does anyone have expereince with using jekyll and github? in particular using site.github namespace locally
+ [2015-04-08T07:13:40Z] alaing hi, how can i use github api in my local dev enviro i know when i push it to github it exposes the following site.github namespace to the templates
+ [2015-04-06T16:41:57Z] alaing node_modules folder
+ [2015-04-06T16:41:48Z] alaing oh i found it
+ [2015-04-06T16:37:36Z] alaing jaybe its happy with that
+ [2015-04-06T16:29:18Z] alaing says generating and then "ERROR: Your site could not be built:" and goes on about invalid date
+ [2015-04-06T16:28:37Z] alaing jekyll serve --watch
+ [2015-04-06T16:06:03Z] alaing which jekyll doens't return anything
+ [2015-04-06T16:04:32Z] alaing do i have to manually run gem install jekyll
+ [2015-04-06T16:03:59Z] alaing jaybe: ^
+ [2015-04-06T16:03:49Z] alaing echo $PATH doesn't show jekyll
+ [2015-04-06T15:48:48Z] alaing but trying jekyll serve i get this message : -bash: jekyll: command not found
+ [2015-04-06T15:48:16Z] alaing and npm install runs without any errors
+ [2015-04-06T15:47:59Z] alaing i've setup my package.json tto have the following dependency "jekyll": "^3.0.0"
+ [2015-04-06T15:47:15Z] alaing hi i'm having problems instaling jekyll using npm